Monday, December 24, 2012
Feliz Navidad!
To All,
Merry Christmas! I hope you all are doing well and are excited for Christmas! Apparently I will be calling by Skype at 12 noonish tomorrow in our time here or 9 in Texas. Dad said that should work out. Anyways, this past week was great! Finally we had 5 investigators at church. It went really well, mostly because we gave the Gospel Principles class and we also used the second hour to do the first Aaronic Priesthood class that has happened here in at least a year. There is no YM presidency. Everything went well and I believe our investigators really enjoyed church. We are doing everything we can to help our investigator Marcelo, who is 17, to be baptized this Sunday. He has the desire and lacks almost nothing of teaching, but his mom is hesitant to give him permission so far. We´ll see how this week turns out! His little brother and sister also attended church with him this week and we also had an older lady named Nadia and a miracle named Maigdel. haha, yes, her parents did make up that name. On Thursday we decided to pass by some people on the ward list that nobody knows and we just so happened to find a family in the which there is a 9 year old daughter who hasn´t been baptized and they had a strong desire to return to church. So we set an appointment Saturday, and put a baptismal date with the girl and on Sunday the family came to church! They should be great.
Anyways, I´ll be talking to ya´ll shortly so I don´t need to write too much, right? I'll also include a picture of the huge hill we climbed today, I guess I got pretty burnt- don't worry mom, I'm putting on sunblock at least once a day... haha. Anyways, love you all! Hope you have a great Christmas! I should be there for the next one! haha. Turns out Elder Sheffield and I are 5th cousins now that we did the calculations!
Monday, December 17, 2012
Casi Christmas
To All,
Yet another week has gone by. My time is going by too fast! I've already been here for a third of all the time I'll have in Chile! Ahh.. but it has been pretty good so far. Turns out we received a response from Elder Sheffield's family if we were related thanks to the info that Grandpa provided. Here is what the grandparent's of Elder Sheffield sent him-
It was fun to hear your new companion is a distant cousin.
Your common ancestor is James and Sarah Adlaide Wilmer Sheffield. Their oldest son was John Heber who is your line and their youngest son was Franklin Lorenzo (also called Frank). His daughter was Erma with brothers Herman (your Grandpa Sherman worked for him at Southern California Univ), Ralph and Dean both of them we knew. Grandpa says he remembers her but did not know her as well. They were cousins to your great great grandfather Heber James (the one who had the island experience, and was Sherman's grandpa). Anyway, it is kind of fun to make the connection. As Grandpa says, You two Sheffields should really do great things.
Haha, isn't that funny? I enjoyed it. We have a few great investigators that we're working with at this point, but they're all pretty much still struggling to church, though many of them have already received spiritual confirmations that the Book of Mormon is true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet. Despite their struggles we have faith that they will begin to attend and be able to baptized in January. My favorite moment of this week was when we were teaching a family where the mom has been inactive pretty much since her baptism 30 years ago and so she is the only member in her family. Her name is Angelica and her daughter that is really interested is as well named Angelica so they call her "Malu" haha. Anyways in the lesson with them we read Mosiah 2:41 that talks about how we are blessed and happy if we keep the commandments and so we asked her a comprehension question after reading it and she responded saying, "it's so obvious! Everyone is unhappy because they aren't keeping the commandments! If we would keep the commandments then we're blessed and happy." haha- it was great. She already has a testimony of the Book of Mormon and committed to live the word of wisdom. She has a baptismal date for the 20th of January because she will be working every Sunday until the end of the year when her job contract ends.
Other than that, we're really excited for Christmas and our calls to the fam! You'll only get one more and it will be the week before I get back I think. haha, perfect timing to make beach plans. hahaha. Anyways, I love you all and hope you have a great Christmas! I recommend the videos the church is making to help us have the Spirit of Christmas, which is the Spirit of Christ. Watch this one :) Love you!
Monday, December 10, 2012
The Chilean Sun
Hello all,
This week went relatively well. We have some great investigators and potential at the moment that we are hoping to capitalize on. We had district conference this week and so President Kahnlein came and talked and gave a training (although we never even got to shake his hand, lame.) and everything went really well. We ended up having two investigators go even though the conference was an hour away in a place called Los Vilos.
This week I will be answering some questions received thanks to Hurricane Survivor (Nicole)
how do transfers work there???? you just wait for your companion or do you all meet somewhere???
Well, I am a few hours out from the "mission base" as you could call it so it can vary, but they do do a meeting in Viña where President announces the transfers and then everyone goes out. I ended up just waiting for my companion here in Illapel and it was all very secretive and thus I didn't really know who my comp was until he arrived. Kind of weird in that regard. haha
tell me about your investigators and stuff and the branch.
Our best investigators right now are la familia Saldivar, Karina, and a new investigator named Angelica. The familia Saldivar is 2 parents and 4 kids between 10 and 18. Right now 2 of them have accepted a baptismal date, but the dad hasn't been all to receptive and is mostly absent from the home as he works far away in the mines. Karina is a great investigator and already has a testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon, but her husband won't listen to us and is mostly absent from the home as well and so we can't really teach her in her home and so lately we've just been having short contacts on her doorstep. :/ Angelica! She is great. We found her this week cuz we talked to her mom in the street and she said she was baptized in Vina about 25 years ago! So we went and Angelica listened as well (the current "husband" of the mother says he is atheist), and agreed to a baptismal date in early January. She is progressing pretty well, but currently she can only attend every other sunday for work until January.
are there lots of sister missionaries in your mission?
Not really I guess, but a ton are coming. Supposedly like 30 more by next june. I think we have between 15-20?? haha, I dunno.
Americans or natives?
Is this a preference question? hahaha, there are like 70% americans. Lame.
what are your living conditions like?
Uhh, decent? we have 2 orange trees and Chile is pretty nice. A lot of American imports and things that don't exist in Argentina. We can drink the water and yeah!
Anyways, outta time. Love you all! Have a great week and enjoy this tidbit of scriptures!
Doctrine and Covenants, D&C 58:2-4
"2 For verily I say unto you, blessed is he that keepeth my commandments, whether in life or in death; and he that is faithful in tribulation, the reward of the same is greater in the kingdom of heaven.
3 Ye cannot behold with your natural eyes, for the present time, the design of your God concerning those things which shall come hereafter, and the glory which shall follow after much tribulation.
4 For after much tribulation come the blessings. Wherefore the day cometh that ye shall be crowned with much glory; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand."
Monday, December 3, 2012
A New Transfer
Well, transfers came and went and... I wasn't transferred! But Elder Stacey was transferred. I am now with Elder Sheffield from Ogden, UT. He seems to be a pretty cool guy and a great dedicated missionary. I'll be his second companion and this is his 4th transfer in Chile. Should be a bit of a change from being companions with Elder Stacey. I'm pretty excited. The Zone Leaders here in Illapel were also transferred and so 2 new zone leaders came to white wash the area. They have a lot of excitement. One is from El Salvador and one from Chile. I don't know if I mentioned it or not but a senior couple also arrived this week! Quite a few changes are happening here in Illapel and I believe that we are about to see a lot of results from the changes and our efforts. It was great to hear the members bear their testimonies on Sunday saying that they feel their prayers are being answered as the Lord makes these changes. Should be a great time to be here in Illapel.
We also were able to help 3 young people attend church from the Saldivar family! The 2 younger ones seemed to really enjoy it. The mom still doesn't see the need to attend a church as she says she is fine praying in her home. Hopefully she will humble herself soon to be able to accept the true doctrines of Christ, the Sabbath day, and the Sacrament. Any ideas let me know :)
Other than I'm getting excited for the phone call home, weird to think that the next call I make will be the week of me going home! haha, weird... We'll be able to do it by skype, hopefully I'll get more details soon. I'll for sure let you all know.
Sorry about the pictures last time, the email thing told me last minute it was too big. Sorry, blame google. haha.
Love you all! I know the Lord puts us in places where we can help others if we search for the opportunities and are prepared to follow his Spirit. Pray for some opportunities to serve others this week and pay attention so the opportunities don't pass you by! Love you all and appreciate all your support.
First pic is of Elder Stacey and I being sad that he is leaving at the bus terminal
Second is of Elder Sheffield and I
Monday, November 26, 2012
Week 6 of a Six Week Transfer
Dear all,
I write you this week a tad bit sore! haha. We played some soccer today. Hopefully you'll be able to receive some pictures that I'll try to attach. It was pretty sweet and I scored a pretty nasty goal. haha. I had to buy new tennis shoes though cuz I might have gifted my other ones away to a less active joven (young man).
Other than that, this week was pretty average. This week will be the last week of the transfer so you will all find out if I'm leaving next week when I'm already there... I think. haha, I'm not really sure how this mission works yet, everything is pretty weird. We were able to find a bunch of new investigators and a lot of them accepted the baptismal invitation and even accepted a specific date to be baptized, but unfortunately our investigators struggled against the monster that is the sheets on Sunday morning and unfortunately we didn't have anyone attend church with us as far as investigators go.
We have however, been able to help quite a few less actives attend church. I think the less actives are what are keeping me sane, because we've really struggled with getting people to attend church with us. The best was that our ward mission leader (who is actually a less active due to his work schedule) took us to a less active who wasn't on the ward list and we actually ended up finding out that he was married and has a young girl. We talked with his wife and she told us about how she was baptized in another part of chile where they had moved, but that she had just come up this past week to visit her husband, John Paul. We ended up inviting her to tell John Paul about basketball the next day that we play with investigators on Saturday morning and they both ended up coming and they came on Sunday. I guess they don't have any set plans, but they're seeing if they'll move back down south or what, because John Paul came back up here after a while because he never found work in the south. We are hoping that they will stay and that we'll be able to share with the man that they are living with who is a "wizard." haha. We met him and he was pretty cool and said he was excited to talk about baptism with us. Should be fun if we can teach him this week.
Anyways, enjoy the pics. One is a flower that was at a house that looked super trippy, the other is a spider in our apartment... grr!! and the last of the zone of Illapel at our church after playing soccer.
Love you all! thanks for your support! Have a good week and please go to church :) haha.
Monday, November 19, 2012
P Day
This week was a pretty good week here in Illapel. We're still
battling with our investigators trying to help them to attend church,
but we've met some great people lately so I know we'll start seeing
some results from our work soon. I have been learning a lot about
sacrifice and patience. I suppose anyone who would have a mission
time spanning 3 years from when it started to when it would end would
learn those things. haha. The other day I read about Abraham and
Isaac, which is a story that has always intrigued me and taught me a
lot. I found the following scripture-
D&C 101:4-5
4 Therefore, they must needs be chastened and tried, even as Abraham,
who was commanded to offer up his only son.
5 For all those who will not endure chastening, but deny me, cannot be
His test was so interesting, and he proved worthy. The Lord knows all
things from the beginning and knew that Abraham had enough faith to do
what he was going to do, but I believe the Lord allowed him to get to
the point of sacrificing his son so that Abraham could learn and grow
and see how much faith he really had in the Lord. So as we pass
through our trials I believe we can learn something important from the
trial of Abraham. Sometimes we are tested to get stronger and also so
that we can look back later and say, "wow, I didn't know I really had
that much faith." or "Look how far I've come" We all have to pass
through the refiner's fire at some point to be sanctified. Just
something to chew on for the kiddos. :)
Anyways, we had a great lesson with a lady named Karina and her mom,
Orina this past week. We found them shouting (that's how you knock
outside a gate, you shout haaallloooo). They accepted the Restoration
really well and had already read Alma 40 from the contact we did with
her before the appointment and understood it really well. We're
excited to see their progress this week and to help them to attend
church on Sunday.
Other than that I took a 2 day trip to Los Vilos (another area in the
zone which is by the beach and is thus a lot cooler in temperature)
because my comp had a leadership meeting in Viña. I was with a new
missionary and it was pretty good. Anyways, on the way home we were
waiting at the bus terminal for our roughly hour long bus ride when a
car pulled up and it ended up that it was a councilor to a mission
president in a place called Rancagua, which is close to Santiago. He
said David Archuleta is serving in his ward. haha. Anyways, he
agreed to drive us home. It was a great favor and allowed us to work
for an hour that evening. He and his wife then returned on Sunday and
took us to lunch! hahahaha, it was so funny. They took us to some
really nice restaurant, but it was really funny cuz it was Sunday.
They were super nice and it was a great favor, because they came from
another area in our zone named Salamanca on Sunday which is about an
hour drive away because they had gone their for the wife's mother's
funeral. The Lord blessed us with a tender mercy.
Anyways, love you all! Shame on the siblings for not writing in 2
weeks other than Colesters. haha. Have a good week! Eat some turkey
and play some football!
Monday, November 12, 2012
Otra semana
Not too much to say today! Haha. Just a forewarning, mostly for
Josh. This week was pretty rough as far as investigators and visible
results go. We taught and then invited 15 people to go to church and
13 just straight up told us no... haha. I guess we'll have to keep
looking for people that are willing to act and not just listen. Other
than that.... oh!
I just remembered, the worst part about Chile- PULGAS! Or in other
words, fleas! grrr... they make me so mad. They're everywhere and
recently they've been loving getting in my bed with me at night and so
my sheets are acquiring some blood spots because they like chewing on
my feet. The bites are pretty itchy all the time, but oh well, I
think I'm getting used to it. Haha.
Oooh, I just remembered a story! haha. This past week we went up
this hill to these houses that the people just kind of built on some
land and we talked to some people and then a dog came up from behind
us so we started walking down the other way and basically there were
houses on the right and a really steep hill with bushes on the left.
So as we were walking forward all of a sudden like 6 dogs came in
front of us! ahh... haha... So my comp decided to charge forward with
his book of Mormon in hand and fended them off and then he saw a
little path down the steep hill so he jumped down with me hot on his
heels fending of the dog behind us with my book. I just jumped off
the little ledge and kept waving my book at the dogs for a second and
then ran down... luckily they were afraid of the steep hill and didn't
follow us. hahaha, it was pretty funny.
Other than that, not much stories and our investigators are
struggling. Hopefully we can get the young couple Lillian and Fabian
to church this week... Lillian is just struggling cuz she likes
staying out late on Saturday nights with her friends or something.
Anyways, love ya'll. Keep me in your prayers! Have a good week and
try and brighten up someone's day this week :) Love!
Monday, November 5, 2012
No hay chiles en Chile
Dear all loved ones everywhere,
First off check this out-
This week went pretty well here in Illapel. I particularly enjoyed
our long walks (about 30 min) to our area amongst the hilly Chilean
countryside. The cows even sounded to greet us more cheerfully this
past week. hahaha, ok ok ok, but really it was a pretty good week.
Our investigators struggled to go to church, but we did manage to help
a less active family attend. They're great and I'm learning some sign
language because one of the sons is deaf (he's about 20). Hopefully
they'll be able to keep showing an example so that their husbands get
involved with the church (they won't meet with us currently).
On Halloween (which is kind of new here, but is celebrated and the
kids go knocking doors), we went to a bonfire and the members shared
scary stories, it was pretty fun. Today in the morning we also
traveled to Salamanca, about 45 min away, where the rest of our
District is at and we made tacos and played basketball and soccer for
a bit. It was epic. I'll try and attach some photos, but some of you
have been having issues receiving them according to the rejection
emails I get back from your email providers.
Other than that, I'm running out of time. I love you all mucho!
Questions brought to you by Rach:
How is Chile?
It is good. I'm in a part really far away from everything right now,
and it is getting hotter each day. haha, at least our hills aren't as
big as some in the mission.
Do you like it better or worse than Argentina?
Haha, umm, I dunno, they're 2 really different places, but alike in
many other ways. I like and dislike things about both I suppose.
What the heck happened with your companion?
He fainted and fell, we think it is cuz we ate a lot of meat and his
blood sugar went down because he is a little hyper glycemic? yeah...
Is he healthy now? Haha so weird.
He is just chipper, with a nice scabby.
Anywho, love you all! Have a great week, you're always in my prayers :)
Monday, October 29, 2012
Illapel no pics
After a full week here in Illapel I have a lot of stories to tell! Haha...
This morning at about 5 am I heard my comp elder stacey get up and
then I was sleepy so I don´t remember much but then all of a sudden he
was like groaning and after like a minute he shouted "Elder Trayner,
help!" So I got up and he was laying on the tile floor in the main
room and I couldn't really see much else so I turned the lights on and
he was laying next to a pool of blood! He told me he had fainted and
I was just like... what?? haha... I didn't really know what was going
on, so I got him a pillow and his blankets cuz it was really cold and
cleaned up all the blood. He then tried to get up when all of a
sudden his face went like blank and he just laid down again and was
unresponsive. It was crazy! But after like 10 seconds he was
responding again, but it was pretty scary. He said that he had
fainted again. So he asked for a blessing and I gave him one and then
I called the zone leaders to get the mission nurse's number. They
didn't have it, but I looked it up in my folder they gave me when I
arrived. I told her about it and she told me to give him some sugar
water and get him back in bed. So I did and he took his time and then
had to go the bathroom so he asked me to give him a bottle...
hahahaha. so he did his business in the bottle and then I had to
throw it in the toilet. Yuck. hahaha. Then he finished the sugar
water and I carried him back in to his bed. It was all kind of gay..
but whatever, that's how missionary work is sometimes hahahaha. He is
doing fine now, but he's got a pretty nice battle wound on the bridge
of his nose and a few marks on his forehead.
Hahahaha, I hope you all enjoyed that story. Hopefully you can get
the photos attached.
Other than that, we started out opening this area with 0
investigators, but we taught 11 new people this week, so that was
good. The coolest people would have to be Victor, who is an English
professor and is Adventist. He was really interested and we actually
taught him the first time we met in English. Haha, he is super cool.
After explaining the restoration he asked how Peter James and John
could have ordained Joseph Smith if they were dead. Or basically his
question was where it comes out in the bible that they had already
resurrected. So we left him Alma 40 and we'll be talking about how
the first resurrection already started right after Christ resurrected.
Should be good fun. Haha
We're also teaching a young couple named Lillian and Fabian that we
met knocking. She expressed her desire to keep the tradition of
baptizing babies in her family because they have a little wawita (baby
in chilean), and so we talked about baptism and infant baptism and
left Moroni 8 for her to read. When we went back a couple days later
she told us she had really liked and understood it. Everything is
going well and we'll be talking about the restoration soon.
We also helped a couple of less actives to come to church that hadn't
been in a looong time. It was exciting to see. There really isn't
anything better than helping someone and seeing them start receiving
the blessings of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
Other than that, everyone is excited for Halloween here. I can't
believe it, but they actually celebrate it like us back in the states.
Chile is very much more americanized than Argentina.
Anyways, not much else to say or tell. Love you all! The first photo
is a barbecue (asado) we went to with some members of the branch.
Second is of Elder Stacey this morning.
Monday, October 22, 2012
So this past week due to the fact that we had the visit of Elder Oaks
we had an early transfer and thus I'm writing today rather than
tomorrow. I found out Wednesday night that I was getting transferred
and then on Thursday I went to a meeting and met me new comp (see
photo), Elder Stacey and found out we were heading to..... Illapel!
Haha... it's a tiny little town about 4 hours north of Viña. Anyways,
because of the meeting and traveling issues, I stayed in Vina until
after the meeting with Elder Oaks on Saturday.
The meeting with Elder Oaks was great. We started off by all shaking
his and his wife's hands, and also President and Sister Arnold (Area
President). It was a great experience. After that we got to hear
from President and Sister Kahnlein and they talked about serving with
all of your heart, might, mind, and strength. Then President and
Sister Arnold spoke and they talked about teaching the basics of the
Gospel and also about dedicating 100% of ourselves to the work. We
finished off hearing from Elder and Sister Oaks who talked about
revelation and he allowed us to share our experiences with revelation
and then he expounded on the gospel truths we shared. It was a great
meeting and I left feeling inspired to be more dedicated and to work
even harder to bring to pass the salvation of God's children here in
Illapel. I also learned a lot about revelation. I think a lot of the
past few months the Lord has been teaching me about revelation.
We arrived here late Saturday night and moved into our "new"
apartment... there were old people there still taking their stuff
out... it's pretty much a mess... haha.... so hopefully they get all
their junk out soon so we can clean it up a bit. They said they would
remodel the bathroom today... let's hope that gets done... haha. Then
Sunday morning we managed to find our way to church and we arrived in
the branch with our zone leaders. One is the 2nd counselor of the
branch and the other the secretary. In the end between us
missionaries we blessed and passed the sacrament, gave the talks (I
talked about the why of missionary work). and directed the meeting as
the branch president was sick and the 1st counselor is inactive.
haha. There was an attendance of 27 counting small children and 4
missionaries. hahaha, we are excited to get to work and get the
attendance up. There are a lot of less actives and the zone leaders
have been working with the members at all and they don't have a good
relationship with them... it should be fun! I'm excited. I love
small branches.
Anyways, time to go! Love you all! Thanks for your love, support,
and testimonies. Share it with someone this week!
Monday, October 15, 2012
Vina Del Mar
I don't have much time to write today, but this past week was pretty
rough, but I still have my head up. :) Transfers are next week so I
think I'll write on Tuesday. Just so you know.
I was sorry to hear about the passing of Pa, but I know we'll see him
again. Death always makes us reflect on where we are and what our
priorities are. It has almost been a year since the 2 missionaries
moved on from the McAllen mission. That was an event that helped me
see things more clearly and motivated me to be better. How grateful I
am for the knowledge we have of the Atonement and the Resurrection.
I appreciate all of your prayers on my behalf. I miss you all, but
know I am well! I love this work and can't escape the feeling of
gratitude that fills my heart, just being able to be here in Chile
serving the Lord. Hope you all have a great week!
Monday, October 8, 2012
Chile week 2 no pics
Dear All,
This week was pretty good here in Vina del Mar and General Conference
was great! We had a couple of amazing lessons this week. We are
teaching an 18 year old named Jean Franco, we left him a Book of
Mormon and the assignment to pray and when we went back a few days
later he said he had received his answer. We knelt down and prayed at
the end of the lesson and he gave God thanks for the answer he had
received and he said "I testify that I have felt that this book is
true." It was amazing. It is always great to see your investigators
receive their testimony before your eyes. We also had an amazing
lesson with an older lady named Roxana. She is probably about 60 or
so, but she is very active. We only had the one lesson with her, but
she talked about her faith and how she had overcome breast cancer. We
talked to her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ and about the Book of
Mormon and a little bit of the Restoration. She had previously heard
some good things about the church from a good friend that was a member
that she had when she used to live in Santiago years ago. When we
handed her the Book of Mormon she hugged it and was so happy. I
marked her a few paragraphs in the introduction and also 3 Nephi 11
(we talked about Jesus Christ visiting the Americas). At the Sunday
afternoon session we didn't see anyone until after it ended I walked
into the chapel and she spotted me and came up all super excited
saying how she had loved it! She is a very special lady with so much
love and excitement for the Gospel. The Lord truly gave us a miracle
this week.
Anyways, I loved conference! I don't have my notes so I'm left to
what's in my mind right now, but I loved the talk about having a
testimony and being converted and how they are different, but how they
go together. I truly have felt my conversion happen within these last
3 years, though I did have a testimony. Conversion takes living the
gospel and having it change your heart and your desires to those of
God. I love the Gospel, I love being a missionary, and I love my
life! Mom and Dad- thank you so much for everything you've taught me
and your amazing examples. You have raised a great family. Siblings-
you all have inspired me so much and have shown me the way to or back
to the path. Thank you. I love you all very much and I'm so grateful
for these experiences the Lord is allowing me to have as one of His
representatives. I truly have been blessed.
I love you all! I hear Pa isn't doing well. I'll keep him in my
prayers. I just want you all to know that I know this gospel is true!
I have always truly known, but I hadn't really been living it until
these past few years, which thus was impeding my conversion. I can
truly say today that I have been converted to the Gospel of Jesus
Christ and that I have felt to sing of his redeeming love. I hope
every one of you have felt that or can come to feel it, because it is
the best thing that has happened to me. I also loved Elder Holland's
talk. Let us be true followers of Jesus Christ.
I don't have much else to say and I need to head to go sign some
paperwork! I love you all! Have a good week and please write me
about your favorite conference talk/experience. Love!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Chile Po
Dear all,
I made it to Chile! The flights were long, but I had some pretty
interesting people next to me on the flights so it wasn't too bad.
haha. President Kahnlein picked me up at the airport and then we
picked up the assistants from the temple in Santiago (they got a
special exception to go because one is leaving at the beginning of
next week) and then headed to the mission home where I proceeded to
eat lunch with the Kahnlein family! Haha- it was really funny because
I've never had a mission president with children. It's pretty fun.
Then my comp came and picked me up. His name is Elder Rivera and he
is from Guatemala. He is super cool guy! Another missionary (From
Ecuador) and I arrived randomly this past week so they actually just
put us both with the zone leaders here in Vina del Mar and we split
the area until transfers in 3 weeks.
Splitting the area didn't go very well for us just because it is all
mountainous!!! My legs are really sore and I've got a couple gnarly
blisters, but I'll be fine. haha. We're back to the good ole days of
being late and running to the apartment. I'm sure I'll lose plenty of
weight. I'll try and get some pictures of the giant hills we climb
soon. They say it is worse in Valparaiso... haha... I'm sure I'll get
used to it. The members seem to be super cool... I'll go ahead and
answer dad's questions now.
1. What does the language sound like in Chile?
They sound like Argentines but with no sh sounds. They use a lot of
different words though, but most are for slang things. Other than
that basically the same vocabulary as Argentina. Elder Rivera always
laughs at my Mexican spanish because it is pretty much the same as
2. Any strange foods yet?
Nope, I've only had 2 meals up until this point. One at the mission
home which was cheese burgers and another with a member yesterday that
was like a 4 course meal (they live in a really nice area)/
3. Any signs of mountains or is it all flat like Texas?
As I said, it's like all mountains. Or super big hills... whichever
you prefer. But then you can definitely see the beach and everything.
It's super pretty. Definitely a lot better looking place to go on a
reunion visit than Buenos Aires... haha. Definitely nothing like the
landscape of Texas.
4. What was your first Sunday like?
It was good. They had me share my testimony- it went well. There are
10 missionaries in the ward right now actually with us 2 newcomers..
haha... so in that aspect this ward reminds me of texas, but other
than here there are generally 2 elders in each ward. We just have 4
office elders, the assistants, and us 4.
5. Have you used any of the words you got from Elder Cañas yet?
Haha, yup, I impressed many Chileans with my chilean vocabulary. All
of them are very confused about how I speak Spanish so well. haha, I
just say I lived on the Mexican border to make things simple.
6. What about all those ties, did customs let them in without a tax?
hahahaha, yep. My roommates were bewildered when I took them all out.
So funny. Mom- I forgot you put those dried mangos and nuts in my
bag! I just hurried and ate them all on the flight to make it simple
and not have any problems. haha.
What else? I forgot how ghetto the housing for missionaries is down
here. They say ours is one of the best. haha. I've successfully
impressed many people with my Spanish. President Kahnlein gave me a
"10." haha. The work is quite a bit different here, and they've been
struggling. On average they've been baptizing about 60-70 a month.
When I left Buenos Aires we were baptizing 130-140 a month and in
McAllen about 70 as well. Soo, the mission needs some help and I'm
happy to be here to be able to help out!
In other news- i just realized I forgot my big coats and my winter
boots... haha.... but it should be warm the whole time I'm here.
Right now it is kind of chilly in Chile. haha... sorry... so we wear
sweaters (stupid call packet...), but I'm just wearing short sleeves
because it feels so great coming from texas. haha. I don't really
know what else to say! I love you all! Hopefully I can send some
letters out soon to the friends and everything, but it might take me a
couple weeks to get settled and find the post office and all, and
then I'll probably be transferred... haha. I appreciate all the
letters, even though it seems mom and dad are the only ones who love
me this week! haha, j/k, i just talked to most of you anyways. Love
you all! Take care and thanks for your support!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Welp, if you haven't heard... I'm heading to Chile on Friday! Haha... I'll be serving in the Chile, Vina del Mar mission. They say it is kind of like San Francisco geographically. Pretty mountainous and yet close to the coast as Chile is such a skinny country. You can research a bit if you want by looking up Vina del Mar or Valparaiso. Anyways, I'm super excited! Haha- I never thought I would go out of the country again, but the Lord surprised me. Haha. Even better is that my Mission President is from Buenos Aires. Not going to lie, I am a bit trunky- but it isn't bad to be trunky to go to your mission, right? haha.
Anyways, I spent a good week with the Zone Leaders in the Mission Zone (Alton, Tx). We had 10 people at church and helped 2 people accept a baptismal date for this Sunday (they've already been learning and attending)! Pretty exciting stuff.
I don't have much to say... I'm sure I'll have plenty to say next week! Haha. Someone send me another good list of questions and I'll respond. That seems to work best.
I love you all and appreciate your support. Keep me in your prayers and I'll see you sometime next year! :)
Oh- also, I won't be using this email anymore. Please write to the following email or the following address will be the mission office address.
Elder Zachary John Trayner
Chile Viña del Mar Mission
4 Norte 1112
Casilla 631
Viña del Mar
Monday, September 17, 2012
Another Transfer of E Trayner
To All,
Well I just got transferred again. It was a long morning of riding in a truck, but I made it in one piece back down to McAllen. I'm in the Mission zone now with the Mission Zone Leaders, Elder Maldonado and Elder Sanchez. I'm excited to work here, but I'm getting antsy for the reassignment news. I suppose it should come soon, but as we know there never really are time expectations for Zach Trayner. Haha.
Well the baptism for our friend Jillian went well yesterday. Her family was sad to hear I was leaving, but that's just how the mission is. I would send pictures, but these library computers aren't letting me :(
Anyways, I heard about the BYU vs UofU game... Lame! I guess they're just saving it all until I get back next year.
Everyone should send in their guesses on the reassignment! I already have a couple to Florida and California, and some random guesses like New York, Montana, and the Carolinas. Haha.
Anyways, I love you all! If you want to mail me something it is probably best sent to the mission offices at 200 w La Vista Ave, McAllen Tx 78501, Have a great week, until next week!
Monday, September 10, 2012
The Big News
A Todos,
Hello everyone. This week was pretty decent. We taught a new investigator whose wallet was still wet, love it! He went to church with his brother who is a permigator (an investigator forever). Other than that our good friend Jilly (she is a 9 year old in a part member family that we've helped reactivate) passed her interview and will be baptized next Sunday! The big news, however, is that we got news from the Missionary Department!!!! But the news isn't my visa. haha- they just said I could choose if I wanted to count some of this time I have served here in McAllen, and also if I wanted to get reassigned or what. So after much prayer and fasting I decided that I would like to be reassigned now while still waiting for the visa and that I want to finish in mid May/early June. Sooo they should be reassigning me shortly to somewhere until my visa comes. I think it will be the best because if I end up not having much time left before May then they won't send me to Argentina, so I figure it's better to reasssign now rather than later and just doing a couple months. I love the Texas McAllen Mission, but I think it's best that I get a little further away from home haha- plus I don't think the General Authorities will reassign me to somewhere where I'm not supposed be. Haha, so I'm excited. It's also good to have a end of service date, I think it will help motivate me a little bit more.
Anyways, this past week I finished the Book of Mormon again! I love it! It's always a great feeling to finish it and realize how much stronger your testimony grows each time. I know it was written by ancient prophets of God and that Joseph Smith was the Lord's instrument in bringing it forth and translating it. I know that whoever will take the time to read it, ponder it's teachings, and pray with an honest desire to know will come to know of it's truth and validity by the power of the Holy Ghost. I am so grateful for having been into such a supportive family that has taught me priniciples of light and truth. I am grateful for opportunity to be a missionary and for the desire God has wrought in me to be better than I have been before. I have learned that if we put God first, everything else will turn out, and that in the process of passing through trials the Lord is able to refine us if we turn to Him. The mission has been a refining and defining experience up to this point and I know the Lord only has greater things in store for me ahead. I pray for you all every night! Thank you so much for your support and love! You all are part of why I am here and why I am who I am. Thank you for your examples that have spoken much louder than your words and I hope I can emulate your example and continue to bring more people to the truth! I love you all! Until next week.
Monday, September 3, 2012
This week was a pretty good one. We're working with a couple part member families who have a child each that need to be baptized that are progressing well. We dropped a few investigators this past week and so we'll be looking to find more new investigators and families this week.
I keep waiting for the visa, though I've been praying and thinking about it and I might have a change of plans soon, but we'll see. Hopefully the visa will just show up this week :) haha. Anyways, I don't have too much to say! The mission is great! It's always sad getting transferred because you come to love the people so much, but I've learned that no matter what happens there are always great people that you can come to love if you serve them. The mission is so great to prepare you for life. I feel extremely grateful for the opportunity the Lord has given me to be a missionary and to serve Him at this time. I know I'm here for a reason, so I'll keep working as hard as I can to help Him bring to pass His work. Love you all! Until next week!
Monday, August 27, 2012
Laredo-Nye City
Hello all,
This past week I was transferred to Laredo to a place called (for some reason...) Nye City. I am with Elder Quezada, who is originally from California, then somewhere in UT, then he was studying at UT State. Haha. He's a pretty cool guy. To start off I will be answering questions from Josh.
How is the new area?
Good! There is a lot of potential, I feel like the people here are really receptive and humble. We have some good things already going, but we'll get more going :)
Are you serving in a branch or ward? Spanish or English speaking?
2 Branches- 1 english 1spanish, they are all branches here because it is a District here in Laredo. The whole mission is just "Tex Mex" speaking.
What size is the congregation? How many actually attend?
Good question, I'm sure dad could tell you. haha, but they are both decently sized with like 6ish missionaries in each branch.
What are some interesting stories from this week?
I got really sick and my tonsils got all huge. I suppose that's interesting. Oh- I suppose it is interesting that in a large portion of my area you can see Mexico and even the river! haha, pretty cool.
Do you eat with the members?
My companion said we do, but I don't think we really do. I'll be fixing it shortly and making a schedule with the members so we can work more consistently with them.
Are you still engordando?
Not this week. I just ate fruit blends that I made (licuados). We'll see what happens in this regard in the following weeks as my throat heals.
Why do you always send pictures of you with funny faces eating cereal? lol. That last one is funny.
I send them for my nephews and nieces so they don't get too bored and because I know you all love my face.
What was the hardest thing about this week?
We have been working with a large family whose mother disappeared after bringing them over from mexico, and we had a really good lesson about church, but they failed to attend once again. We'll most likely be dropping them this week. :/
What was the funnest thing you did all week?
Funnest thing... We taught a couple good lessons to little kids and we were also asked to help teach primary... haha.... so I suppose you can imagine what kind of fun was to be had there. My comp kinda looks and acts like a darker pee wee herman. hahahahaha.
Anyways, those were his questions. Haha, hope you enjoyed them. But the area here is good. The apartment and car were TERRIBLE when I arrived, but today we did a pretty good job cleaning and I'm sure it will be a battle and process to get them to where I want to be especially when my roommates aren't so inclined to cleaning... but yeah, should be fun. Hopefully I'll be able to get some pictures sent soon, I don't know if we can send them at this library, but this area is pretty humble, poor, and dirty- which is great! Makes me feel right at home, except a little (a lot) hotter. Anyways, I think my visa will come next week. We'll see what happens. Love you all! Here is my new address-
310 e San Pedro #4
Laredo, Tx 78041
Monday, August 20, 2012
Dear all,
Time is short, but all you really need to know is that I'm getting transferred! I'll be heading out west about 4 hours to Laredo! Apparently I'll be right next to the Mexican border there as well (we have the bridge here in Hidalgo to go to Reynosa). I'll definitely miss all the people here in Hidalgo, but that's how the mission goes. Hopefully I'll find my way back down here to the valley to visit all of my friends after the mish (if it ever ends... haha). I'll put some farewell pictures in the email. Other that that I don't have any funny stories or anything (sorry!). Anywho, I'm sure I'll have plenty to say next week, try and ask me some questions about the place so I can answer them! I'm not very good at describing things. haha. Love you all! Keep up on your scripture reading!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Waiting in South Texas
Dear everyone,
Another week has gone by of waiting in South Texas! At the end of this week it will make 5 months of waiting as a missionary! This week I have attached a few photos. I did win the game of bowling and that is my score at the top. That is our buddy Mack who was baptized by Bro. Bentley. He described it as one of the best moments of his life and he couldn't stop talking about how he liked it. Elder Fullmer appears at the end modeling a Jorongo or Zarape according to our Norteño friends (people from the north of mexico). Anyways, hope you enjoy them.
I don't have too much to say this week- Mack was confirmed and we're helping him to continue progressing- hopefully we can get the ward a little more on board. Haha, they're doing alright. Anyways, I'm out of time today! Sorry! I'll try and be more entertaining some letter soon. love!
Monday, August 6, 2012
The Baptism of Mack Wright
Dear everyone,
This week went well. We had the baptism of our good buddy Mack Wright. He was baptized by the member who referred us to him who is his eye doctor, Bro. Bentley. He also happens to be the high priest group leader, which works out quite nicely as Mack is 73 years old. It was an adventure getting him all ready and into the font, but it all worked out and even his feeble old knees were able to bend enough to make it under the water. He will be confirmed the following week. It was a great experience. Unfortunately the computers here at the library aren't allowing me and my comp to access our cameras, so I won't be able to send a picture this week- please remind me next week.
There is still no word on the visa for those of you who, like me, are anxiously waiting. Although Dad did hear from President Gulbrandsen and he says he is getting to the point where he wants to pull strings to get me there! haha. Well other than that we have some new investigators, but I'll tell about them once they start progressing a little more, but most of our previous investigators have fallen off the boat unfortunately. Anyways, time to go! Thanks for all your support and love! Take care and do a good deed today! Love!
Monday, July 30, 2012
Queridos amigos,
This week went pretty well. We are preparing our good bud Mack for baptism on Sunday, he had a fight with coffee, but he committed himself and has done really well staying away from it. This week was another week full of food from our members, but luckily we've gotten them to progress a bit in their participation in missionary work! haha, tonight we'll have an fhe with a member family who has invited their friends over. Should be fun. Other than that, not too much going on here... we'll be going bowling today and I suppose my visa will be showing up shortly! Another visa waiter received his this week, so mine shouldn't be far behind. As far as other investigators gooo... Brandon and his family have dropped the ball pretty bad so he won't make it to his date which was for this week and Victor moved to Mississippi and so he obviously won't be getting baptized the 12th either. So there were some pretty rough disappointments this week, but we're excited for Mack and we're excited for the progress the members are making. We're actually planning an activity that we'll do in a few weeks where we'll assign the members to make some typical mexican foods from each mexican state and then we'll kind of rotate around to the different states and have a presentation about the states. Should be exciting. We've already gained a lot of member participation so now we just need to work on them reaching our goal which is for each family to invite 3 people and that at least one comes to the activity. We're excited, but my visa should probably be here before then ;) haha, anyways, love you all! Thanks for your support and letters (emails). Have a good week!
Monday, July 23, 2012
Dear loved ones,
This week we faced some challenges. Our main investigators are Mack (the old man referral from member), Brandon (the 9 year old in the less active family), and Victor (the 21 year old son of a less active). Unfortunately the latter 2 did not attend this week and Mack has been struggling with coffee. Though in good news a friend moved in with a less active recent convert (who is now returning to the church) who lost her husband and is left with her 2 young children (7 and 2). We only had time to explain church and invite her, but she went! Hopefully this week we'll be able to teach her and get her progressing towards baptism and salvation :) Other than that... not much goin on! Just lookin for new investigators and waiting for a visa! Some members said they're going to bring me over some mexican clothes from Reynosa (Mexico)- should be good. haha. Other than that we had a couple of good lessons- one of which is when we shared a Mormon Message (Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light) with some members and we were able to feel the Spirit really strong as we talked about how we build our foundation on Christ and that we only have that foundation through the Restoration of the Gospel. Hopefully they'll start participating more actively in missionary work now.
Not much else to say! Keep praying for my visa and I guess we'll just keep waiting on the Lord! Love you all! Thank you for everything you do and have done. Have a good week and don't miss a day of scripture reading!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Dear all beloved friends and family,
Another week has gone by here in Dihalgo (Hidalgo). This week was... ok I suppose. Mack Wright (our old friend)'s baptism is set for the 29th, but we need to make sure he stops drinking coffee ASAP, so that he can make it to that day. Yesterday a senior missionary gave him some type of replacement, so we're hoping that will work for him. Other than that we've been able to see the Spirit start to work on him, we've been focusing a lot on the plan of salvation and I think that is what has really helped him most. In other news, our baptismal date for the 5th of August, Brandon Fuentes, also went to church. The bad part is that his parents didn't :( . Supposedly something happened to their truck is what Grandma Fuentes told us. But at least all the kiddos went! They're a great family. Hopefully we can keep the parents going. Other than that, we have a few other investigators that are hard to get a hold of, so they aren't doing too much.
In other news, I had my companion try flan this past week! Haha, he liked it. We're still being spoiled by our members with food, which probably isn't very good for our "diets." haha. But we've been playing basketball 2x a week in the morning at least. Anyways, things are good, hopefully they'll keep getting better and then I'll get the cherry on top (the visa...) haha. Love you all! Thanks for your support and letters/emails- especially mom and nicole, my emailers in the family this week. ;) Have a good week!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Another Transfer
Yellow all,
This week marks a new transfer in Hidalgo! I'll still be with Elder Fullmer, but some changes will be happening in the District, so I am pretty excited for the new blood. This past few weeks have been pretty tough, as I feel like I'm having to face a lot of trials, but everything seems to be turning up so it must mean my visa is coming any day now. Haha. Mom sent me a letter with a quote from this talk so I read it all- it is really good if you would like to read it (recommended). Haha.
Anywho, we put another baptismal date with Mack Wright, our old buddy for the 29th and we successfully stole all of his coffee this past week, so we're excited for him to progress and make that leap of faith. We also started working with a less active family who are actually distantly (by marriage) related to my converts Martin and Alicia. The whole family went back to church for the first time in 5 years yesterday. They have a 9 year old who hasn't been baptized and he agreed to prepare to be baptized the 5th of August, so we will be working with them so he can do that. The only thing is (Dad I might need some direction with this...) that the kids don't speak spanish so they can't go where most of the family goes and they didn't want to go to the English ward where they belong, so they want to go to the other English ward in the stake because the dad of the family (Eddie Fuentes)'s aunt goes there. So anyways, we'll see if they end up attending there or where, but at least they went to church again since it has been a loooong time. Our good buddy Victor also showed up at church so we'll probably put another date with him, he just needs to stay in town... 0.o
Welp, love you all! Thanks for your support! Keep prayin for that visa :) haha Take care and read that talk!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Almost my 3rd 4th of July in the Mission
Hello everyone,
I almost celebrate my 3rd 4th of July in the mission. I came home in June though so I just missed it though. Laame. But anyways, hopefully this week goes better because last week was pretty bad. We've been really trying to find new investigators, but so far nothing has worked for us- everyone fails the following appointments and avoids us. But not much we can do, but reanalyze our effort and keep trying. So far no word on the visa, who knows when it will come... it's been almost 4 months now! Hopefully it comes soon so then I can go home (to McAllen) in June of next year and then head home with the rents in July. That would be good, but I guess it just comes down to what the Lord has in mind and not what I have in mind!
I don't really have much to say... hopefully you guys can come up with some interesting questions so I can write something more exciting. Haha. I guess the fun fact of the week is that we got fed almost 2x per day almost every day this week by the members- at least I've been working out more in the mornings, we spend a lot of time feeling full. Now if they would just give more referrals! :/ Anyways, love you all, have a splendid week and don't forget to read and pray daily. :) Love!
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
A mis seres queridos,
This week was a great
week here! Our investigators that we've been working with have
encountered a few problems and so they might take some more time to
fully accept the gospel, but we found a couple of great young men (19
and 20) who are excited to learn more and both accepted baptismal
dates. Ricardo who is 19, unfortunately did not attend church, but we
are hoping to keep working with him and get him to receive the blessings
of church next week. Victor, whose mother is a member, has been really
receptive and was almost baptized a few months ago before he left to
new york for a year. We are really excited and happy with what is going
on in our area.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Dear All,
I don't have much time today, but I just wanted to write quickly. We're still working with a few investigators (Mack and Carlos) and they are slowly progressing, but it looks like we'll probably have to move back their baptisms. This week we really want to find new investigators and get them progressing towards baptism. I am also praying my visa comes soon, President Gulbrandsen said that some visa waiters are going to the other BsAs missions next week, so let's hope I sneak into that group. To be honest the past couple weeks have been pretty hard, but I know I just need to keep my head up and be patient and that with faith everything will come out ok. I love you all and hope you are all firmly holding onto the iron rod. Have a good week!
I don't have much time today, but I just wanted to write quickly. We're still working with a few investigators (Mack and Carlos) and they are slowly progressing, but it looks like we'll probably have to move back their baptisms. This week we really want to find new investigators and get them progressing towards baptism. I am also praying my visa comes soon, President Gulbrandsen said that some visa waiters are going to the other BsAs missions next week, so let's hope I sneak into that group. To be honest the past couple weeks have been pretty hard, but I know I just need to keep my head up and be patient and that with faith everything will come out ok. I love you all and hope you are all firmly holding onto the iron rod. Have a good week!
Monday, June 4, 2012
Elder Fullmer arrives, Elder Nielson leaves
Dear everyone,
This past week was a pretty trying week, but we ended up with a few people at church and we have a lot of great people that should convert from potentials to actual investigators this week. Last Tuesday my companion, Elder Nielson, was transferred up to Corpus Christi, and my new companion, Elder Fullmer arrived. He as well is from Idaho, but from Pocatello. He is excited about the work and being back down here in the valley and speaking Spanish. His Spanish needs some work, but it is definitely a step up from Elder Nielson's. Haha. It should be a great week this week.
Other than that, I hope you all are praying daily! Not just to pray, but to pray for my visa! haha, we'll have to wait and see if it ever comes. It's great working in this mission, especially here in Hidalgo, but I am really excited to get to Argentina... Anyways, I love you all and appreciate so much all of your support, not just the support you have given me now, but for all the prayers through the years and the examples you have been to me! Especially the family :) Love you all! Have a great week!
This past week was a pretty trying week, but we ended up with a few people at church and we have a lot of great people that should convert from potentials to actual investigators this week. Last Tuesday my companion, Elder Nielson, was transferred up to Corpus Christi, and my new companion, Elder Fullmer arrived. He as well is from Idaho, but from Pocatello. He is excited about the work and being back down here in the valley and speaking Spanish. His Spanish needs some work, but it is definitely a step up from Elder Nielson's. Haha. It should be a great week this week.
Other than that, I hope you all are praying daily! Not just to pray, but to pray for my visa! haha, we'll have to wait and see if it ever comes. It's great working in this mission, especially here in Hidalgo, but I am really excited to get to Argentina... Anyways, I love you all and appreciate so much all of your support, not just the support you have given me now, but for all the prayers through the years and the examples you have been to me! Especially the family :) Love you all! Have a great week!
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
The Baptism of Martin and Alicia Teran!
Dear all,
This past Sunday after church we had the baptism of Martin and
Alicia Teran! I have attached a photo of just them and their daughter,
as my camera died before we could take more pictures. Haha. It was a
great service and supposedly we (the missionaries) sang our special
number really well and everything seemed to turn out really well and we
had decent participation from the ward members as well. Baptisms are
the best. You can just feel the Spirit so strongly during the ordinance
and I love when the converts give their testimonies after (which they
did). It's great to hear how grateful they are for your service as a
missionary and also to hear how the Gospel of Jesus Christ has changed
their lives. :) So yes, it was a great first baptismal service for me
as a missionary here in Texas. I hear that the 2 people I was teaching
in Brownsville in preparation for baptism are also doing really well.
The Lord really has blessed me to be able to meet such great and
prepared people.
Anyways, my comp (Elder Nielson) has already left and I am
currently on an exchange with another Elder while I wait for my
companion (Elder Fullmer) to come down from Corpus Christi at 6 PM. It
should be interesting seeing if I can get around this area as I've only
ever sat in the passenger seat and my comp always knew where he was
going. But it should be a good experience and I'm sure it will help my
comp to learn the area quickly as well. I am hoping that this companion
speaks a little more spanish as Elder Nielson really struggled with
Spanish, but if not I'm sure he'll progress quickly.
Monday, May 21, 2012
Hidalgo and El Bautismo
Friends, family, and... conocidos,
This week
was a pretty solid week down here in Texas. We found a solid new
investigator named Mack Wright, who apparently went by Sonny Wright and
was the number 1 golfer in mexico for 3 years. Haha, he was a member
referral and he is pretty old, but he is really excited to learn and to
be baptized on the 16th of June. We have to teach him really slow and
allow him time to swear at his dog, molly, and as well to allow him to
say how "dang ignorant" he is. Haha, he's been a hoot so far, but we're
excited to help him out and get him to church this week.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Howdy amigos,
Another great week has gone by
in the life of Elder Zachary Trayner. I enjoyed my first week in
Hidalgo and so far I like it mucho. It's like Brownsville, but without
all the things I didn't like. Haha. I prefer the small wards and less
missionaries, so I feel a lot better here. Haha. The members seem
super great and I already knew quite a few of them haha. So it has been
pretty fun and we had a good mothers day activity on Saturday that we
enjoyed with the members and with Alicia Teran (our investigator who is
preparing for the 27th). We're still waiting for her husband's records
to arrive to the ward so that the bishop can interview him for the
priesthood. Hopefully it will arrive this week so that they can do the
interview and get him the priesthood before/on the the 27th. They're
Monday, May 7, 2012
Greetings all acquaintances, friends, and family members,
past week was really great! We had 9 investigators at church and are
set to baptize weekly this month... and then I got picked up last night
(Sunday night) and transferred to Hidalgo. Haha. So I'm going to miss
the baptisms of a couple of amazing people (George and Sister Garza),
but I am excited to work here. There were some issues with disobedience
and so an Elder was transferred and that's how I ended up here and now
I'm the District Leader, so it should be exciting. I'm excited to help
the missionaries here and to build up the wards (we have an English and a
Spanish ward). So far it seems like we have one solid investigator and
a couple that have just been kind of "floating," but hopefully we'll be
able to meet with most of them and set expectations of what we really
intend to do (help them exercise their faith and repent by starting to
read, pray, and go to church, be baptized, etc.).
There is still no word on my visa, but they have
everything they need from us for a few weeks sooo... hopefully it will
be soon. I have a bunch of pictures I need to send, but I just keep
forgetting and I don't have a sd/usb adapter. But I should be able to
borrow one soon. I showed mom some and she loved them haha. I don't
really have too much to say... I'm excited to work here in Hidalgo! Oh,
and my new comp is Elder Nielson from Boise Idaho. This is still his
first area and he has been here about 8 months, so he should know it
pretty well, we'll see how it goes.
Monday, April 23, 2012
A few more weeks here??
Dear todos-
Another week has gone by here in Brownsville, this week our
investigators faced a lot of opposition. The Almeida kids (Barbara,
Oscar, and Deborah) ended up not getting baptized. At first it was just
Barbara who said she didn't want to get baptized any more- she just
said it was cuz her life was already good and she didn't really want to
start another one. We tried to explain how even Jesus Christ was
baptized and that it is a commandment that we're all baptized, but she
just didn't understand or want to understand. But Oscar and Deborah
were really excited to get baptized and had and passed their baptismal
interviews, but then Saturday night that had to go with their mom to
their uncle's house- and we think they got anti'd there or something.
We tried to go by many times during Sunday, but they weren't home and
finally we got a call from Carmen (the mom) and she just said they
didn't want to get baptized anymore... :/ So we'll have to see what
happened, but it was a super downer for Sunday.
On a positive note- we were able to see a miracle when our
investigator Hermana (sister) Garza came to church by herself. We had
an awesome church tour with them earlier in the week, but we knew her
husband already had to go to mexico on Sunday, but her 20 year old
daughter was supposed to go too, but last second she backed out on her
mom, but her mom came and loved church. We had an excellent
member/recent convert talk with her and she started crying and
everything, but it was awesome to see how brave she was by coming by
herself and trying to set the example. We just need her to keep it up
and we know they will follow.
Monday, April 16, 2012
A Strange Week
Dear everyone,
This week was very strange. I
went to the mission home and slept there Tuesday night and flew to Utah
on Wednesday. There were all kinds of funny stories. Everyone was
really excited for me thinking I was going home, then when we landed in
Salt Lake there was nobody waiting for me at baggage claim hahaha, A
lady even let me use her cell phone to make a couple calls. Pretty
awkward. Also when Josh dropped me off at the MTC they didn't
understand very well where my companion was hahaha. Good times. Well
with all that and missing my flight back to McAllen, it was pretty fun.
It was great to see some family and 4 buddies that already were home
from their missions (Jared, Rem, Luke, and Josh). It was super weird
and I might have gotten a little trunky (don't worry I'm already back
and focused... haha) It didn't really feel like home there as I haven't
even been there in 2 years and I lived in Provo for a year. It was
really weird to be honest haha- McAllen feels much more like home these
Other than the trip, this week was pretty uneventful. We had a
bunch of good investigators at church and hopefully we'll be baptizing 3
next Sunday (The Almeida family- Barbara, Deborah, and Oscar). We
still have a lot to teach them, but they're great.
Oh! Other exciting moment of the week was when we went to go talk
to our investigator and she was outside watering her grass, so we went
up and were talking when all of a sudden Elder Vance saw a
tarantula!!!!!!! ahhhh!! haha- it was big and ugly and weird, but we
killed it and threw it in the road haha.
Anyways, that pretty much sums up everything. Just trying to get
back into missionary mode, it has just all been so weird with all the
different circumstances I've been in, I can't imagine how it is for the
people that live down here that have to serve here- it'd be hard to get
in "missionary mode." But it is good, and I have learned a lot of
things. I now see how great the MTC is at preparing you, but also the
Lord has helped prepare me to come back as well.

Monday, April 9, 2012
Week 3
To whom it may concern,
Another great week has gone by! We are teaching a few more people
now and a few more went to church. Unfortunately the Almeida family
didn't go to church and didn't answer our calls and weren't home all day
:/ But the kids are still progressing really well towards their
baptismal date and are consistently reading.
I don't really have too much to say again this week. I still am
getting used to the work here- I think by the time I do and get it
figured out I'll be back in Argentina getting used to what I already was
accustomed to. Haha. Oh well, but it is good and being here has been
really good for my spanish and getting back in the groove.
As most of you know I will be heading to Provo this week to meet
with the Argentine consulate as I apparently have to do that in order to
get my visa. So Tuesday night Mom and Dad will pick me up and then
Wednesday I'll leave for Utah and get back Friday from what I
understand. Not really sure how everything will work out, but it will.
haha- I'm kind of nervous about it, it will be really weird going to
Utah for me haha, but it will be awesome to see Josh and Brit and their

Monday, April 2, 2012
Week 2
Monday, March 26, 2012
First Week Back!
Greetings friends, family, and associates!
Welp. First Pday eh?? Pretty sweet. My companions are Elder
Vance and Elder De La Fuente for those of you who don't know and they
are the zone leaders down here in Brownsville. I arrived on Wednesday
and we got to work. We visited the Almeida family who they had
contacted a day or two previously and met with Carmen Almeida and her
children Barbara (13), Oscar (12), Deborah (10). I was able to invite
them all to be baptized and they accepted to be baptized the 22nd of
April, so we are currently working with them and we were able to meet a
few other families. The area here has some problems and they have kind
of been struggling in this area recently. Here is what I sent to dad
about it-
The work in Brownsville is... ok. As soon as I got here I was able
to tell that there wasn't much member support, but I think most of it
is due to previous missionaries. So this past week we have been
focusing on improving our relations with the member families in our
area. So lame how there are so many missionaries in a ward, I think it
makes it so much harder to build solid relations with the ward members.
Despite it being hard, I think it is definitely possible and I think
the ward should be soo much stronger for having so many missionaries.
We have like 10 missionaries just in our Spanish ward- how is this not
the most active unit in the church when we have 10 people committed full
time to try and bring others unto Christ? Anyways, my companions
definitely agree with me and we've been able to help a few members so
far and we hope to be able to connect with all the members in our area
and then hopefully the other leaders as well. But the area is good. I
can definitely tell the Lord has prepared a lot of people here. What
you say about the mission here is true, there are a lot of people who
are so welcoming and kind to us, and that is great, but most of them
aren't really willing to act or change their beliefs, but there are
still plenty of people that are prepared to receive the gospel.
Other than that... Ummm... there isn't really a set schedule for
eating here with members and they were outta money so I pretty much
bought our groceries last week, but we split it this week. Anyways, I'm
looking forward to continuing working with our families and getting
them prepared for baptism and to meet the Lord! This mission is
definitely different, but I think a lot of the things that I loved about
missionary work in Argentina are missing here and hopefully I'll be
able to help the missionaries here with those things, especially with
their relations with the ward members and leadership. The Lord loves
the people of south texas!
I love being a missionary and I am so grateful for this opportunity
that I have to be here serving while waiting for a visa. I hope to be
able to learn as much as I can until I go and I know I'll be able to
pick up a new perspective that will for sure help me when I arrive in
Argentina. I know that my experiences there will also help me here and
help the missionaries and wards here as well. Anyways, please forward
this email to all the family and remind them to write me :) I love you
all and miss you mucho!! The Gospel is true and leads us to true
happiness! It might be hard, but it is always worth it. Write me
before next week! Love you all and I love you Nicole!
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